Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sock Monkey Birthday Bash

Last Saturday, friends and family near to our hearts joined us to celebrate Hudson's first birthday.  I have been intrigued with sock monkeys since Hudson's birth.  Add in Hudson's given nickname of Chunka Monka and a sock monkey theme seemed ideal to me!  With Parker and Hudson's birthdays a mere 9 days apart I knew for certain I would be stressed with party plans.  However, the creative side of me still desired to put a special touch on Hudson's birthday party decorations.  The DIY Sock Monkey Printable Party Pack I found on Etsy was perfect for my party needs (and allotted time I had to work with!!!).   

Cake Table...the banner, cupcake toppers, and candy jar labels were all made using the printable pack.  I LOVED the color scheme of red, brown, and light fun!!!  The candy was a big hit with our guests.

The birthday boy...all smiles!  My sweet Sister-in-Law gifted Hudson this Old Navy long sleeved onesie at Christmas.  As soon as he opened it, I knew he would be sporting it at his birthday party. 


Inside the goodie bags for the children in attendance were these mini crayon rolls and a few other goodies.
Hudson sported his over the top birthday hat for all of a few minutes...not a fan!!!

Present time...Hudson was the recipient of some very generous gifts.  He fell in love with the caterpillar he is biting on the left.  He loves to snuggle with it during nap time.


Going into the party I was pretty confident Hudson would dive right into his cake.  And he did!  My Mom (aka Mammy/Mimi) made his smash cake using the same cake pan she did for my first birthday, the birthdays of my brothers, as well as our older boys.  How sweet!!!  We opted to top his cake with whipped cream as we have in the past for Hudson's older brothers.  He was a fan!

Thank you to all of our family and friends who gathered with us to celebrate Hudson's first birthday.  Indeed, he is a blessed little boy to have all of you in his life!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy First Birthday, Hudson!

One year ago, on February 23rd at 12:51 pm, Eric and I welcomed our fourth son into our family...

Hudson Robert Lindsay
5lbs 14 oz, 18 1/2 inches
As a full year has passed, Hudson has brought endless joy, laughter, and smiles into all of our lives. 

 He is a fighter...

Born at 34 weeks gestation, Hudson was born a fighter.  At birth, he fought to breathe and struggled his first few days outside the womb.  Our little boy spent the first ten days of his life in the NICU and he fought.  He fought hard and surprised doctors, nurses, and his family with an earlier than expected release from the hospital.  In the days following, he continued to fight when he was re-admitted to the hospital to undergo IVIG treatment for low blood platelets.  Today, when I look at the brand new one year old in front of me I see a happy and healthy little boy!  We are truly blessed how far Hudson has come when we think about his beginning days.  Here at home, Hudson continues to fight.  As the youngest of four boys, he fights to ensure his voice is heard...loud and clear!  Our little lad has a set of lungs of him and makes his wishes well known!

He is the baby of the family....

Indeed, Hudson is the baby of our family...a role he delights in (and thankfully the older boys happily bestow upon him).  His new tricks never go un-noticed and are always applauded.  He is the recipient of lavish praise, endless hugs, and kisses galore.  His needs are met from family members all around.  I continually find myself saying aloud "You are the cutest thing ever!" and I truthfully mean it...just as I did when I spoke the same words to Parker, Garrett, and Ryder.  Eric and I continue to get up with Hudson each and every night.  Are his middle of the night feedings still deemed necessary?  More than likely, no.  He is our baby and we continue to act as such.  Sleep will come.  One day.  We hope!
He is happy...

Amen for a happy baby.  A baby who delights in baths...goldfish crackers...his older brothers...a silly daddy...and Scout the puppy.  Our Chunka Monka is one happy little boy.  Early on he had bouts with non-stop crying; however, his first year has had far more moments of pure delight.  His laugh is deep and hearty.  His smile is genuine and true!  Keep on smiling and laughing, dear Hudson.  Your joy warms the hearts of those around you!

He is laid back...

Hudson has the best disposition for that of a fourth child.  He is laid back.  Content.  Easy going.  With three outgoing older brothers, Hudson was often found lounging in the stroller at T-Ball practice.  Or playing on a blanket at soccer practice.  In the fall he was passed back and forth, again and again, by family members at flag football games.  Some of his best naps were taken outside.  On the beach.  At the park.  Or, his favorite...during a family outing on the boat.  He can be found happily eating and playing on school mornings while chaos erupts around him.  Thank you for going with the flow, my sweet boy.  Mama appreciates it!

He is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E...

Good Lord, I find myself wanting to eat this little boy up!  His big. baby blues beg for attention.  His chubby cheeks call out to be kissed.  I nuzzle his neck and nibble on his toes.  Simply put, he is too cute for his own good!

He is a mama's boy...

Truth be told, Hudson takes to women over men.  Period.  He really loves his mama, though (yeah!!!).  I love that my little man loves to snuggle, read while sitting on my lap, eats best for me, and lights up when I walk in the room.  I know that (soon enough) Hudson will follow in his older brothers' footsteps and think that Daddy is the coolest.  And he his.  After all, he rides dirt bikes.  He builds super cool Lego sets.  He sucks helium from a balloon before singing Happy Birthday to you.  However, for now I will bask in the spotlight that is the all mighty, glorious, and loving mommy!

Happy 1st Birthday, Hudson!  We are beyond blessed by your presence in our family.  You make us laugh, smile, and fill our hearts with endless love.  It has been a pleasure to watch you develop from a tiny newborn into a toddler over the last twelve months.  You are, without a doubt, a perfect addition to our crazy family.  We look forward to the next year, watching you grow, continuing to love you, and wish you the happiest of toddler days!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

He Will Grab Your Heart

You caught yourself saying awwww...
didn't you?!

(More photos to come from Hudson's 1st Birthday Party)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy 7th Birthday, Parker

Thursday, February 12, 2004

I was admitted to the hospital, at 36 weeks gestation, to be induced (due to preeclampsia) with Eric and I's first child.  A son, whom we had decided months in advance, to name Parker Ryan.  My pitocin induced, 18 hours of back labor was unlike anything I have experienced to date.  After two hours of painstaking pushing, our first son was delivered via emergency c-section. 

On February 14, 2004 at 1:13am, Eric and I were presented with undoubtedly, the best Valentine's Day gift...a 7lb 3 oz, 20 1/2 inches long, dark haired baby boy.  He was beautiful.  He was perfect.  He resembled both his mommy and daddy as he still does today.  Eric and I quickly discovered a new love.  An overwhelming, heart wrenching love for our first born.

Today, we celebrate our first born's 7th birthday.  7 years old!!!

Dear Parker,

Happy 7th Birthday!  The past year with you has been nothing short of amazing...full of firsts, growth, and overwhelming pride! 

You continue to love school and excel in the classroom.  You take pleasure in learning and strive to do your very best.  Within our family, you live up to your nickname of Professor Parker.  Your memory is sharp as a tack and rivals that of your mama.  Your dad and I are honored to hear that you are a role model in the classroom.  I hope your enthusiasm to digest new and exciting information remains a strong force within you.

Your love for dirt bikes remains true; however, in the past year you have taken on new activities much to your traditional-sport-loving mama's delight.  It has been a joy to watch you on the field, in the wrestling room, on the diamond, and on the track.  Your quest for knowledge carries through in your extra-curricular activities as well.  Keep up the great work, buddy!

Who would have thought, 7 years ago, that you would now be an older brother to not one, not two, but three little brothers?  Certainly not your Dad and I!  Your brothers adore you.  Garrett is your right hand man, looks up to you, and dubs you his best friend.  You argue, you physically fight, and have been know to make each other cry.  However, your connection is unlike any other sibling relationship in the house (perhaps because you have been together the longest).  Ryder and Hudson take delight in your presence.  You make them laugh.  Often, you can be found laughing at them in return.  You are quick to greet them in the morning and bid them goodnight in the evenings.  I know for certain, there will come a time when you deem your younger brothers annoying and will want to carry on (at times) without them.  Humor me, please...don't always be too cool for them! 

The past year has certainly been one of firsts.  You have lost your first, second, and third tooth.  When you smile your new toothless grin, I no longer see the little boy you once were.  This past year has allowed you the opportunity to attend non-family sleepovers.  I will be honest, the nights you were away left me panic stricken.  However, you were more than eager to stray from us from time to time.  I am thankful for the friendships you have formed and the trustworthy parents we have come to know.  It is music to my ears to hear you are always on your very best behavior while under the supervision of others. 

Often, I find myself staring at you while you play, read, watch TV, and go through the motions of your day.  I see a younger version of your handsome daddy in front of me.  While pregnant with you, we learned that we would be having a sweet baby boy.  Instantly, I envisioned (and desired) a dark haired, blue eyed, son.  A son chiseled just like his daddy.  Much to my delight, I got my wish. 

Parker, I hope that age 7 is magical for you!  It is my wish that the next year brings you great joy, fun, and continued growth.  With each first that you encounter, it is my first as a mom as well.  I am so honored to play such a vital role in your journey through life.  Parker, I am so proud God chose me to be your mom.  My first 'lil dude, I love you today, tomorrow, and always!  I sincerely hope your birthday is as special as you are!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Party Day

It's Party Day...

There are not one, but two handmade birthday banners hanging in my Dining Room.

Goodie bags are stuffed.

A balloon bouquet was ordered, picked up, and graces our buffet.

In addition, vanilla cupcakes topped with festive sprinkles were ordered and picked up. 

A Coleman Sleeping Bag, DS game, Lego City Camper, and Lego City Police Truck have been wrapped.

The Bowling Alley has been reserved and paid in full.

All invited party guests have RSVP'ed yes.

Coordinating napkins, paper plates, and table cloths are at the ready.

Upon putting the children to bed last night, Eric busily cleaned the house and hung a new Dining Room chandelier from the ceiling.

Today, is party day.

A time to celebrate Parker's 7th Birthday with his brothers, best buds, and (still cool) parents.

We were ready, people!!

But, then...

...well, then...

Parker's fever came back overnight.

Garrett developed  a fever as well.

Ryder and Hudson have a constant stream of mucus coming from their noses.

And fevers.

And hacking coughs.

And dear old Mom?

I am fairly certain I now have Strep throat and an ear infection.

Did I not wave my white flag proudly enough?

Early this morning, we were forced to cancel and reschedule Parker's birthday party.

He was heartbroken to say the least.

Truth be told, I was upset as well.

We softened the blow by allowing him to open an early gift.

We may or may not have ate a few cupcakes before 9am.

I will never tell.

The ironic part?

Due to busy schedules, Parker is now having his buddies over twice for his 7th birthday.

Yep.  It's true.

His buddies will join us next Friday night at our home for games, pizza, and sundaes.
(Let's not forget we are throwing Hudson's first birthday bash the following day).

Come March 11th, we will FINALLY take Parker and his buddies bowling.

One month later.

Due to the scheduling of leagues and tournaments at the bowling alley and our own crazy schedule, it was the best we could do.

These parents paid for bowling and we are taking those boys bowling, darn it!!!

Stay tuned for party pics...take two (ahem, and three).

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy *HEART* Day!!!

The older two boys were busy celebrating Valentine's Day at school this week.  I will admit, I greatly enjoy taking on artsy-crafty projects alongside the boys.  Okay, keeping it real...often, I am the leader and they follow along.   Regardless, we work well together and it is fun to dig into my craft supplies.    

Garrett and his classmates have been passing out their Valentine's throughout the week and yesterday was his "true" party.  The kiddos enjoyed cupcakes brought in by their parents and games rewarded with small prizes.  In the past, the children at KKNS have been asked to decorate a bag to place their Valentine's inside.  This year they were asked to decorate a box (yea!!!).

Garrett, Eric, and I worked together to make Garrett a Robot Valentine box.  I was pretty happy as I had all the supplies on hand with the exception of the felt hearts (which I scored dirt cheap during a sale at Jo-Ann Fabrics). 

Garrett and his Robot...SUPER cool (and yet, super cute!).  Garrett's favorite part was putting on the sticky rhinestones (aka bolts!). 

This was the first year that we did not do store bought Valentines for the boys to pass out.  Darn those ladies over at eighteen25!!!  They have posted some absolute yumminess for Valentines Day inspiration this year.  We jumped on (last year's bandwagon) and made these A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E Tootsie Pop Valentines for Garrett's friends.  About 48 of them...

Okay, so we substituted a Blow Pop in place of a Tootsie Pop.  No biggie.  Garrett was amazed that Mommy took one picture, yet we had 48 (give or take) of these spread out all over our Dining Room table. 

Ahhhh...Parker's Valentines.  If you checked out the above link to the Tootsie Pop Valentines, you may have noticed the Robot Valentines.  Parker wanted those.  I cannot say I blame him.  They, too were pretty darn A-Mazing!  I (Parker has been sick, remember) had darn near completed the 17 of them *we* needed, when I had one HOT mess with M&M's and Tacky Glue.  Change of plans...

I went back to the sisters over at eighteen25 and came across these...

They were super simple to make and Parker wrote his name (and classmates' names) on the back.  Personally, I think the photo works splendidly with the Happy *Heart* Day template!

Inside held a sweet treat...

Two Robots are better than one, right?  Especially when Mommy has all of the materials already out.  Thankfully, we were able to carve out a few minutes here and there while Parker was to sick to complete his box.  Eric would like for it to be known that he attached the head.  Thanks, Daddy!

Parker's Valentine's Day Party at school was a success.  Mrs. A's class enjoyed cupcakes, cookies, goodie bags galore, a Valentine Craft (lead by yours truly, duh...), and a quick game of 7-Up (OMGosh, I had forgotten all about that game...too fun!).

Have a fantastic weekend!!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Waving My White Flag


...there is a law about the Lindsay Boys.

It may be unspoken.

It may go unwritten.

BUT, if it was written...

it would go a 'lil something like this.


We, the cosmic forces of the universe,
do hear by decree that the Lindsay Boys may
ONLY be plagued with sickness
when their daddy is scheduled to work nights.

~The Not So Nice Powers That Be~

Eric is working nights this week.  As if on cue, two of the boys are sick.  Someone is ALWAYS sick when Eric is working nights.  Parker is missing day two of school this week.  A fever, body aches, chills, and cold have overtaken his body.  Around 11pm last night, as I prepared myself for bed, Ryder made his way down the stairs.  With pillow and beloved Gunkey in hand, he began sobbing.  Within seconds, pillow and Gunkey were covered in vomit.  Merely minutes later, the dining room floor was hit with a splat.  Soon, the bathroom floor fell victim to Ryder's stomach contents as well.  As for Mama, I am not feeling too hot either.


**Image borrowed from the land of Google**

This is me, white flag in hand...with a can of Lysol in the other.  I surrender.  Please, I beg of you.  Do not take any additional hostages. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dreaming of Legos and Sock Monkeys In My Sleep

For the next two weeks, I will have birthdays on the brain.

And birthday parties.

We now have two kiddos with birthdays 9 days apart.

It is entertaining to say the least.

And stressful.

Here is a sneak peak at what Mama has up her sleeve...


This Saturday we will celebrate Parker's birthday with his all time favorite school buddies.

Oh, and a brother.  Or two.  But not three.  Chunka will be under Great-Grandma's care .

Okay, he will be napping.

Parker opted to forgo a BIG, combined, family, and friend B-day bash this year.

Rather, we will be taking our little lovebug (his b-day falls on Valentine's Day if you are new around here)
and his BF's bowling. 


On Sunday, our family will join us for more celebrating.

And ice cream sundaes.  'Cuz we will be sick of cake after Saturday.

Come Monday the 14th we will celebrate some more.  Just the 6 of us. 

After all, that is how we roll.

Next weekend...oh, next weekend...

We will celebrate the birthday of an-almost-but-not-quite one year old.

HUGE sigh.

One year old.

Our baby.

I am so not ready for that one!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Not A Moment Too Soon....

...Hudson's 11 month photos!

L-O-V-E his baby blues!!!!
(yea, mama loves her new seamless paper as well!)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Thoughts...

  • Tonight, I am headed out with my SIL for some much needed girl time...dinner at Outback and trips into Hobby Lobby and Target.  In my eyes, my SIL is a decorating guru.  My walls need her help!  I need her help!  Eric cannot get home from work fast enough!
  • The remainder of our weekend is scheduled to the max.  Saturday morning will be spent running family errands.  Saturday evening, Eric and I are taking the older two boys to Arenacross (can you say, excited?!!!).  Sunday afternoon, I am hoping to fit in some family fun in the snow.  Come Sunday night, we will be cheering on the Steelers during the Superbowl with our Pittsburgh lovin' family.  


  • My very first two rolls of Savage Seamless Paper arrived yesterday.  I am hoping to take a few 11 month shots of Hudson today.  You know, before he turns one year old in a few weeks.  NOOOOO!!!!!  
  • Our family (ahem, Mommy) has joined the crazy couponing craze.  I would be ashamed to admit what we were paying a week in groceries for a family of 6.  It was tthrough the roof I can assure you!  Finally, Eric and I decided something has to give.  I am thrilled to say in the last three weeks we have drastically cut our weekly grocery bill.  It is a major rush to get items for free or next to nothing.  I get downright giddy standing at the cash register watching our bill go down...and down...and down.
  • Thank goodness for saving money where we can!  This month we have to pay for four upcoming sport Spring Soccer fee, one Spring Flag Football fee, and two Summer Baseball fees.  Add in two out of four kiddos having February birthdays and Daddy is seeing $$$$$ everywhere.

Happy Friday!
Have a wonderful weekend...any plans?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Today...One Year Later

One year ago, today, I was admitted to the hospital for the first time prior to delivering Hudson.  Really?!  An entire year has passed since what-was-the-CRAZIEST-MOST STRESSFUL-TEARFUL-month of Eric and I's marriage.  Honestly, February 2010 was downright chaotic.  Period.  Mommy was in and out of the hospital.  Bedrest!  Family members were in and out of our home tending to our children.  All hands on deck!  Maternal Fetal Medicine Appointments...Non-Stress Tests...Ultrasounds...endless bloodwork...steroid injections.  Who has the kids again ?!  Headaches.  Oh, the headaches!  Daddy has to work.  Again.  Darn outage at work!  Snow.  And more snow.  Throw in Parker's 6th Birthday!  Who is taking the kids to school?  Tears.  Endless tears.  Pink eye.  And ear infections.  February 2010 concluded with the joyous birth of our fourth son, born at 34 weeks, and his subsequent NICU stay that carried over into March.  In 2010, what is typically the shortest month of the year, was the LOOOONGEST month for the six of us.

One year later...we survived.  One year later, while the emotions still seem so fresh, I am reminded of the many of you who prayed for us.  I am reminded of my Facebook friends who rallied behind us.  Today, as I think back to one year ago, I realize it truly does take a village to raise a child.  Or, at the very least (as in our case) the love, support, and aid of dear family and friends.  With great appreciation, I say thank you.  We are blessed.

February 2,, we are faced with a new challenge.  Snow and ice have blanketed our area.  Schools are closed for the second day this week.  Daddy is in isolation at work.  He did not return home to us last night.  The severity of the weather mandated his crew remain at work to ensure they had enough man power for the new 6am shift; therefore, Eric laid his head to rest in the Davis Besse Training Facility.  Fingers crossed he returns home to us today.  Sooner rather than later.  Safely.  **Edited to add...Eric arrived home this morning as we sat at the breakfast table.  Little Hudson clapped his hands in grand excitement as Daddy appeared!** 

 Happy Groundhog's Day...
Bring on Spring!!!

(Not So Wordless) Wednesday

This photo CLEARLY shows the true in his own little world doing his own thing.
God love him!


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