Saturday, July 23, 2011

Getting Groovy

We are busily checking items off our Summer To-Do List!  This summer, as a family, we are embracing our need to simply LIVE and be together.  Cleaning, home improvement projects, serious cooking, and blogging have all been placed on the back burner.  We are swimming, game playing, bike riding, ice cream eating, and park going crazies.  Last weekend, with Eric working 5 nights of 12's (cringe), the boys and I happily marked Tie Dye T-shirts off our list.  It was a super fun and messy project we tackled outside.  The end result...check 'em out yourself!

Parker opted for a swirl effect on his shirt...the boys each chose their
desired design, I helped with the rubber bands, and then they
had free reign with the dying process!

Garrett opted for the swirl effect as well, with his center being off center
and lots of green!

Ryder pointed to the bulls eye effect and fully embraced the dying process...holy
puddles of dye!

Hudson put his chubby finger on the sunburst effect...for obvious reasons
he had quite a bit of help when it came time to dye his shirt; however,
his finger prints and hand prints are seen throughout!


My groovy gang....

Hello, reality...

We will definitely be repeating this tie dye project in the future.  However, we will allow our shirts to sit longer to achieve darker colors.  After 6 hours the boys were more than ready to see what the end result was!


The Writer Chic said...

I love how Garrett's turned out. So groovy! ;)

Melonie said...

Super cute! We did this a few years ago and I really need to do it again since both shirts now only fit Marlee and they are getting quite snug on her too! Time for some new shirts!!

~jan said...

Such an adorable motley crew you have, Kel! :) The shirts look great!


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