Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday, Garrett

Dear Garrett,

Happy 5th Birthday, Baby G (yes, you will always be my and Aunt Leslie's Baby G)!  It is hard to believe that 5 years have passed since we welcomed our first blonde, peach fuzzed baby boy into the world.  With your birth, we became a family of four.   Your daddy and I vividly recall bringing you home on New Years Eve 2005.  Daddy and I took turns with you laying on our chests that evening, as your older brother, Parker, slept peacefully upstairs.  I can not imagine a more delightful way to ring in the new year!

You are no longer our long legged, chubby cheeked, squishy little lad.  Over the course of five years, you have developed into (without a doubt) one of the most handsome little boys.  Ever.  I would say the same if I was not your mama!  Your genuine smile, hearty laugh, and piercing eyes simply draw people to you.  Garrett, you are quick to share your love.  I love that about you!  You are carefree with your hugs, kisses, and kind gestures.  Outside of your daddy, you are the first to tell me I look pretty and compliment me when I take the time to get dolled up.  Oh dear, you are going to charm the ladies!

Garrett, you have a zest for life that goes unmatched.  A simple game of Go Fish makes me you downright giddy.  The fact that someone remembers your favorite color; therefore, buying you a blue Hot Wheels over a red one pleases you to no end.

You are an AWESOME helper, Garrett!  You are quick to help me in the kitchen and love to give Daddy a hand outside or in the "regarge" (aka garage).  I love that you are eager to learn and ask endless questions as you assist us during various tasks.  Keep on questioning us 'lil keeps us on our toes!

It has been a joy to watch you come into your own this past year.  You have taken on new challenges...T-Ball, Soccer, and Wrestling.  When it comes to sports, you are a natural.  It is a pleasure to watch you in your element.  You have made new friends and are well behaved at school.  I could not be prouder of you!

Baby G, there is a special place in my heart just for you.  My spirited 'lil boy!  You never cease to amaze me and I love you to pieces.  Happy 5th Birthday, Garrett!!  May this next year be full of smiles, laughter, and joy! 

Love, Mama


Shanna said...

How Sweet! Happy Birthday Garrett!!! BTW~He is absolutely going to have a way with girls~sorry :)

shelly said...

Happy Birthday to Garrett!


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