Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Back to School 2011...Take Two

 A new haircut...

...new shoes, new lunchbox, new "packpack"...

...a beautiful smile...

...and a hint of mischief...

...all make for one super proud preschooler!

Yesterday was the BIG day!  Ryder joined the ranks of children headed off to school!  I was pretty nervous all weekend.  This is one of my bitties.  Off to school!  Thankfully, the morning went extremely well and Eric happened to have the day off from work as well.  Ryder's face says it all.  He was pretty darn proud of himself!  His smile makes my heart swoon.

My three little school boys...sigh...

 Do not let Ryder's lunchbox fool you.  He is attending three
morning sessions a week.  Alas, the big boys have lunchboxes; therefore,
Ryder needed a lunchbox.  He is currently in a state of all things Toy Story obsession.
Buzz Lightyear is his hero and yes, he attempts to fly.

Best buds...Ryder and his cousin, Breydan, ready
for a great first year of preschool!

Overall, drop off went well with only a few tears from Breydan.
As we left, both boys were happily playing with new friends.  With a nervous pit
in my stomach, Eric and I departed with one little boy in toy. 
What an odd feeling!  We made good use of our time and headed to
the grocery store with ONE KID...what a walk in the park!  Before long it was
time to pick up our happy preschoolers.  With juice mustaches, good reports
from the teachers, and precious first day schoolwork my mom and I left hand in
hand with our littlest scholars.  We capped off the morning with a special treat of McD's
and DQ ice cream.  Way to go, Ryder and Breydan!  I could not be prouder of you!


stephanie said...

Ummm.... when did HE grow up? Oh my, he's such a cute kid! Love him!

shelly said...

how cute!!! and he Does look So Proud :)

Melonie said...

Oh my goodness HE IS SO CUTE!! Hope he had a great day!!

KariAnnS said...

You sure do make some cute boys!

~jan said...

I so miss the Toy Story obsession! Ryder is adorable!


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