Thursday, March 25, 2010

Life With Ryder

Oh, dear Ryder...there is never a dull moment with you around. Amidst our crazy life I forgot how entertaining (almost) two year olds can be. My parents and older family members all agree that you are me (just in a male form). At times, I think my mom should be sainted if what they say is true!

You have a love for accessories...glasses, hats, bags, shoes, and mismatched socks. They do not have to be yours and anyone's will do. Once your look is just right you head to the door and plead to go ''bye''. All day long...

You use my time spent caring for Hudson as an opportunity to get into everything and anything. In your eyes nothing is off limits.

You are addicted to baths. Honestly, I will throw you in the tub a few times throughout the day just so you can swim and cook in the tub. You *heart* Melmo (aka Elmo) and Gunkey (aka Monkey). They accompany you to bed for each nap and again at bedtime.

Sweet Ryder, you are no longer my baby in regards to age. However, you have a huge grasp on my heart. Always and forever...


Allyson said...

He sounds exactly like Griffin!

Jenn Jenn said...

He definitly resembles you the most.

jenney said...

I can only imagine the trouble he and Jackson could get into together. =) It's funny how the troublemakers hold such a special place in our hearts. ;-)

Party of Five said...

Oh my, he and my Calvy are one in the same! I mean, you may as well just save the bath water for the next


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