Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back to School...Barely!

Here is the "goodie" of the day from Parker's backpack.

What a day! Thankfully, in my eyes Parker was well enough to attend school this morning. Parker had his own opinions...he spent most of the morning fake coughing and throwing a fit while he got ready for school. Drop off was a nightmare, but the teacher said he (and another little girl) settled down about 10 minutes after the parents left. Upon arriving at school today it had been one week since he had been there last. I believe the lapse in time coupled with his existing cold was the reason for his behavior (then again does a 3 year old ever truly need a reason to throw himself on the ground?!).

When I picked him up he was happily playing outside with the other children. The sandbox must be one of his favorite activities at school, because every time I pick him up he is playing in the sand. This may be due to the fact there is NO sand in his sandbox at home. Awhile back a cat relieved himself inside the sandbox (someone forgot to put the lid on it) and we have yet to refill it...ooops!

Here is what Parker has been working on during the month of September and will continue with in Miss Barb's class for the remainder of the month...

Basic Skills:


Colors-red, blue, and yellow

Large Motor Skills:

Jumping, using 2 feet at the same time

Small Motor Skills:

Stringing beads, tearing paper, and using crayons

Language Skills:

Same and different

Social Skills:

Learning to put toys away properly and sharing with his friends


Caterpillars to butterflies

Most of these lessons will be considered "old" material for Parker; however, I think he is enjoying the "new" presentation of these lessons from his teacher.

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