Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Our First Good-bye

We made it through our first drop off! Parker is presently at preschool "orientation"...a chance for him to meet his teachers and the other children in his class. His first day of school is August 27th!

Last night he had a hard time falling asleep. He was so excited for today and was up until 10:30 last night debating whether he would ride the bus to school or ride his bike LOL! It was strange to hear myself say "Parker, you need to go to sleep. You have school in the morning."

He was so confident as we approached the school and bolted through the doors...making his way through other child/parent couples. I was left standing alone!

Parker and I had our picture taken together and they will place it above his coat/backpack hook (a cool way for the kids to identify their "space"). I received my first ever parent/student handbook whereas I was the parent.

My little guy has homework already! On the first day of school he must bring a picture of himself and one of his family. This certainly will be a task as a picture of the four of us does not exist (OK-I think there may be 2 dated photos somewhere????).

Parker and I said our good-byes after a few mintues of playtime...no tears...just a warm hug and a promise I would return shortly to pick him up.


Florlinds said...

Congratulations Parker on your first day of preschool! It's hard to believe that you are already old enough to be heading off to school. We hope you have lots of fun and learn a lot of new things to share with Mommy, Daddy, and Garrett. Hugs to all!

Sheri said...

How is he big enough to be in school already? Our babies are growing up too quickly.


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