Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Today...One Year Later

One year ago, today, I was admitted to the hospital for the first time prior to delivering Hudson.  Really?!  An entire year has passed since what-was-the-CRAZIEST-MOST STRESSFUL-TEARFUL-month of Eric and I's marriage.  Honestly, February 2010 was downright chaotic.  Period.  Mommy was in and out of the hospital.  Bedrest!  Family members were in and out of our home tending to our children.  All hands on deck!  Maternal Fetal Medicine Appointments...Non-Stress Tests...Ultrasounds...endless bloodwork...steroid injections.  Who has the kids again ?!  Headaches.  Oh, the headaches!  Daddy has to work.  Again.  Darn outage at work!  Snow.  And more snow.  Throw in Parker's 6th Birthday!  Who is taking the kids to school?  Tears.  Endless tears.  Pink eye.  And ear infections.  February 2010 concluded with the joyous birth of our fourth son, born at 34 weeks, and his subsequent NICU stay that carried over into March.  In 2010, what is typically the shortest month of the year, was the LOOOONGEST month for the six of us.

One year later...we survived.  One year later, while the emotions still seem so fresh, I am reminded of the many of you who prayed for us.  I am reminded of my Facebook friends who rallied behind us.  Today, as I think back to one year ago, I realize it truly does take a village to raise a child.  Or, at the very least (as in our case) the love, support, and aid of dear family and friends.  With great appreciation, I say thank you.  We are blessed.

February 2,, we are faced with a new challenge.  Snow and ice have blanketed our area.  Schools are closed for the second day this week.  Daddy is in isolation at work.  He did not return home to us last night.  The severity of the weather mandated his crew remain at work to ensure they had enough man power for the new 6am shift; therefore, Eric laid his head to rest in the Davis Besse Training Facility.  Fingers crossed he returns home to us today.  Sooner rather than later.  Safely.  **Edited to add...Eric arrived home this morning as we sat at the breakfast table.  Little Hudson clapped his hands in grand excitement as Daddy appeared!** 

 Happy Groundhog's Day...
Bring on Spring!!!


stephanie said...

What a trip down memory lane. Our family prayed for you that entire month and then rejoiced in Hudson's birth! I'm so glad to know you and have been a {long distant} part of your journey!

shelly said...

What Milestones---look how you all pulled through it! I know the feeling of hubby's being stuck at work-Jim went in last night because he knew the roads would be terrible today--he took in a neighbor who was on shift too and so far they're the only ones on shift to have made it to the stations! Last night one of the ambulances got stuck and couldn't even make it to a call--how crazy is that?!? It's like living out Little House on the Praire, kind of..well..not really but close ;)

Sarah said...

Wow, what a year it has been! I remember visiting you in the hospital one of those times...but you made it and now look at Hudson!! Adorable!! Stay warm and safe today and happy to hear Eric is once again back home =)


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