Friday, January 28, 2011

One Surgery Is Better Than Two!

The title says it all.  On Wednesday, we were informed Hudson would only need one surgery in the coming weeks versus two.  The icing on the cake?  The surgery he will be having is the less invasive of the two!!!!  Thank you, dear Lord!!!!  I cannot begin to tell you how elated and relieved Eric and I are.

What is Hudson undergoing surgery for, you ask?  Let's start at the beginning...

Within seconds of being born, I heard the doctor declare Hudson was born with a partial circumcision.  This was the second time I heard those words following the birth of one of my sons.  The first time (with Ryder) I heard the doctor's statement I was baffled.  What?  Born partially circumcised?  Hmmmm...didn't even know that was possible!  With Hudson, I simply chuckled at the doctor's declaration.  Seriously.

In Hudson's following days in the NICU, we learned he additionally had a hydrocele and a minor hypospadious.  I was familiar with a hydrocele, as Parker had been born with one (and later had surgery to correct it).  The hypospadious?  That was a new one to me. boys, they like to keep mama on her toes.  Or perhaps when you have a one less than a handful of boys, you are bound to run into these 1 in 5 odds.

While we were in the NICU they threw around the word surgeries and referred us to a pediatric urologist.  Naturally, at home I looked up hypospadious on WebMd.  Wowzers!!!  As I scanned my computer screen my eyes landed on the words possible infertiltiy, messy urination, and grafting.  I learned if surgery was necessary, our little guy would come home with a cath.  Sigh...

When Hudson was four months old, we met with the pediatric urologist.  As we learned with Parker, we were told we would wait out the hydrocele until Hudson was a year old.  More often than not, this common abnormality resolves itself by a child's first birthday and no surgery is needed.  We were informed that Hudson's hypospadious was minor and may or may not require surgery.  Hudson was to be seen again in a few months and we would go from there.  Shortly after our appointment, we received a letter stating our pediatric urologist had moved to Chicago.  Insert another sigh...

While at the doctor's office last month, Hudson's doctor confirmed his hydrocele was still present (yea, mama knew that).  I let him know our pediatric urologist had moved and questioned if he could refer us to the same urologist that had seen Parker (whom we had adored!).  Not a problem.

We met with Dr. S on Wednesday.  LOVE him (still).  He is so relaxed, non-aggressive, and yet informative.  He reminds me of Robin Williams in both looks and personality.  He sported a Hawaiin shirt the day of Hudson's appointment.  I was smitten.  After inspecting Hudson's goods (okay, poor choice of words) he, too, confirmed the hydrocele was still present and let us know surgery was an option after one year of age.  As for the hydrocele...he declared it so minor no surgery was needed.  I let him know I wanted grandchildren...with no surgery was he destroying that hope for me?  He let out a hearty laugh and reminded me with four boys I was getting grandchildren.  Okay, you have me there.  From this little guy, though?  Down the road?  If he wants too?  All should be fine.  Insert another sigh.  This time, though...well, it was one of immense relief. 

True, Hudson will undergo surgery shortly after turning one year old.  As with any surgery there are risks and the thought of him going under general anesthesia frightens me to no end.  That being said, the surgery is performed on an outpatient basis and we will be home within hours.  Parker did REMARKABLY well following his surgery and I praying for the same outcome for our sweet Hudson. 



Sarah said...

Awww... good luck to the little guy! I'll be thinking about him as the time draws closer!

Misty said...

Aaw! Poor little man. I pray his surgery goes well. Such an odd thing I have never heard of before.

~jan said...

Big hugs to both you and Hudson! He will do fine, littles are so resilient! Will keep you all in my prayers!

mustangkayla said...

**hugs** to you guys!

Shanna said...

Glad to hear that it is only one surgery! Good luck to ALL of you. I completely understand how hard it is when your child has to go under for surgery. Matt was just barely 2 months old with his first surgery for his club foot. We have to go through another this year for it! Many prayers for a "peaceful" surgery with fast healing!!

Sarah said...

That's good he only needs one surgery! Will be thinking of all that day when it happens!!


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