Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to School 2010...Day Two

Yesterday, was Parker's FIRST day of FIRST grade. Yes, it was a big day for our FIRST born son! He happily got ready in the morning (as did Garrett) and enjoyed a back to school breakfast of pancakes, bacon, apple slices, and milk. It was nothing but smiles all morning long...

See...all smiles!

Ready to backpack, new shoes, new duds, and a new lunchbox!

Ohhh, Parker's new lunch box...I found one with a dirt bike on it (Chad Reed, no less!). With the purchase of said lunch box I became a rock star of a mom (at least in Parker's eyes).

Still smiling...

Outside his elementary school...less than a block away from our house. Awesome!

First grade is a pretty huge deal. You get your own locker! No more potty inside the classroom! You get to play on the "large" playground equipment! The teacher does not walk you to the doors at the end of the day! The homework doubles! Holy cow...mama may just have a heart attack;)

Upon picking Parker up from school I learned his teacher is "really nice". He ate all of his apple slices (one of which he dipped in pudding...good for you, lil buddy) and most of his carrots (my heart swells with pride). His buddy, TJ, from last year in his class and they talked flag football. He saw his "old" pal, Jack, outside at recess and they played together. He and his locker had a few bouts of trouble; however, some new friends stepped in to help him out. As for his first night's homework...learn his PIN number for going through the lunch line (he insists he is buying on pizza days).

Parker's FIRST day of FIRST grade was a huge success! Way to go, Professor Parker! We are proud of you!


stephanie said...

I love the lunch kit picture! I'm *stealing* that idea next week!
Hope he has a great day!

~jan said...

Positively adorable!! :)


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