Without my consent, but yet beyond my power, Ryder turned FOUR back on May 12th! One month later I still find myself shaking my head when questioned by others of his age. One of my bitties is now...FOUR! Recently, I took the time to interview our brand new 4 year old. This is what he had to say...
Your big brown eyes and mischievous grin warms my heart. Our house would not be the same without your spunky personality and stubbornness. In four years time you have brought endless laughter, smiles, and pure craziness into our lives. For that we are forever grateful! It is with great curiosity I look forward to what the next year will bring as your proud (and often exhausted) Mama! I love you "my boy"!
Love, Mama
Sweet and perfect for him! He's so charming!!
What a sweetie!!!!! They have a way of growing up overnight--soak it all in :)
Awesome Ryder!I love Walmart to! You are so blessed!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday, Ryder!
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