Friday, April 30, 2010

Sure Thing...He is Ours

Okay, I am slightly obsessed with comparison photos of Garrett and Hudson. It is just unreal (at least to me) how much they look alike. Seriously. See for yourself (again)...

Hudson at 8 weeks

Garrett at 9 weeks

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Weekend Plans

You know those weekends where you go, go, GO?! We have not had one of those in awhile. We have lingered around the house and worked on some small projects. The kids have enjoyed playing outside. We have ventured out for groceries, lunch, and that is about all. Perhaps that is why I am looking forward to this weekend.

Eric and I's anniversary (7 years!) is next week; therefore, our plans include a date night on Friday evening. I am sure dinner will be involved, but I am not sure where. Any suggestions? Fingers crossed I can also convince Eric of a quick trip into Hobby Lobby. They have their American Crafts albums 50% off and I am in dire need of a few.

Two movies that are currently in the theater have sparked our interest...Oceans and How to Train Your Dragon. We rarely go to the movie theater (it is so darn expensive!!!). I am feeling the need for Eric and I to get out of the house with just our two older boys; therefore, we are off to the movies. The boys seem to be rooting for How to Train Your Dragon, but I am pulling for Oceans. Perhaps they will, finally, realize Mommy knows best;)

As previously mentioned, Parker and Garrett are playing T-ball this summer. Their coach is hosting an informal gathering of the players/parents on Sunday afternoon. We really enjoyed Parker's coach last summer; however, we find ourselves with a different one this season. It appears he is rather organized and is encouraging the boys to have fun. Can he handle two Lindsay boys on the same field, though? Time will tell...

Finally, Saturday is National Scrapbooking Day (there is a day for everything, right?). Citrus Tree Studio has a crop planned for the weekend and I am hoping to get a few challenges completed.

What is your weekend agenda?

They Call Me...


'Lil Poop...


Chunka Monka...

'Lil Glob-a-Goo...

Occasionally, they call me by my given name. Hudson.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What Have I Done?

Matching PJ' Parker and Garrett's request.
I have created little coordinating monsters.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Layouts for Ryder's Album

Ryder's 2nd Birthday is right around the corner; therefore, I have been focusing my attention on layouts for his album. I think it is a great idea to display the birthday boy's albums during his birthday party. Our friends and family seem to enjoy leafing through them each year.

I pulled out some Basic Grey Offbeat scraps for Silly Boy

Journaling reads: You never took a binkie as a
matter how hard we tried. However, you are always
quick to grab you cousin Breydan's! Silly boy!

The Whee layout is based on as sketch from the Got Sketch blog
Journaling reads: Your first sledding LOVED it!
Up and down the hill you went. Again and again. You are fearless!

I forgot is based on another sketch from the Got Sketch blog.
Again, I used BG's Offbeat line.
Journaling reads: ...just how entertaining (almost) two year
olds can be! You crack me up dancing around the house.
I love hearing your ''spin'' on words.
You don't have a care in the world and love life!

I have a thing for Kraft cardstock is versatile;)
Journaling reads: You love to ''go, bye'' and ask to go
all day long!

Over the weekend I placed an order at Two Peas for some new scrap supplies. Fingers crossed my new goodies keep my mojo flowing;)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Little Mister Muffet

I attack the older boys' backpacks when they arrive home from school. As their primary caretaker, I am anxious to see what they were up to while away from me. Are there any notes from Parker's teacher? How did he/we do on his homework? Did Parker eat his lunch? At the preschool age, I get giddy seeing their crafty creations. Who am I kidding? I love crafts. Period. Currently, Garrett and his friends are learning about various Nursery Rhymes; therefore, Little Mister Muffet made his way into our home...

I am not a fan of spiders, but this little guy is super cute!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hudson at Two Months

Wow, can you believe the title of this post? With each additional child, I feel these first few months just keep racing past us. At two months, Hudson...

*Loves to snuggle, get his back rubbed, or his butt patted
*Wears size 0-3 clothes and a size 1 diaper
*Rolled over for the first time earlier this shocked him!
*Is beginning to nap in his crib
*Enjoys going for walks in the stroller
*Is giving out little smirks here and there
*Has a fussy time every night beginning around 6:30pm...the duration varies, but can last for a few hours
*Despises diaper changes and being naked
*Grunts and groans often...he is a little talker
*Has blue eyes that we believe are going to stay blue

I am hoping to get a few more photos of our little guy over the weekend, but until then enjoy these...

Happy 2 Month Birthday, Sweet Hudson!
We love you!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Heard Around The House

When will Hudson be old enough to fight?

(Pointing at a can of Chef Boyardee Ravioli) This is my favorite chef!

Mo mooo, peeeezzzz...

Why is his name Hudson? I thought I told you his name was Yamaha.

Is that a button in your poopy diaper?


(Picking a flower and handing it to me) I gave one to Chloe today, too.

Get all your poopy out.

When will Hudson start puking in the toilet...or the trashcan...or the puke bucket?

Ummm...I Tried

I would love a photo of my four boys.


In one photo.

I tried.


That was the best out of my series of shots.

No kidding.

I will take it, though.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Diving Into Those Photo Piles

With the arrival of last week's photo order, Hudson's album is underway! I just love scrapping newborn photos as they are so sweet:)

I used Cosmo Cricket's Earth Love line for this layout of Hudson.
I simply love this pretty!

Finally, I went out and purchased a circle punch. What a great go-to tool! I used it on the next three layouts...

For two page layouts I like to keep the design ''simple''
and tend to line up my photos. These photos of Ryder are
some of my favorites.

Truly, I think I will cry when I am out of
Sassafras Lass's Bungle Jungle. Yes, it is old; however, I
find it to be a great line for scrappin' boys.

More of the Bungle Jungle line...
I used a sketch from Scrap a Little for this layout.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Words of Wisdom

As our third son, Ryder is without a doubt the toughest little (almost) two year old I know. He has two older brothers to keep up and keep up he does. It goes without saying he has been knocked down a time or two as well.

Friday night we found ourselves dining out on Chinese food. I had to chuckle at the wise words found within Ryder's fortune cookie that night...

The real test in life is not in keeping out of the rough,
but in getting out after you are in.

Truer words have not been spoken when it comes to our little dude!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Seeing Blue

Together, Eric and I painted Ryder and Hudson's room over the weekend. This is the third time we have painted this particular room since moving in almost 7 years ago. The new color is a beautiful shade of blue. It coordinates with the matching crib and toddler bedding we purchased for our younger two boys perfectly!

I am still trying to pull together my thoughts and ideas for this room; however, I promise more photos to come.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Making Progress

Do you recall our plan to get the upstairs two bedrooms painted/decorated/etc before Hudson's arrival? Our plans went out the window with bed rest and Hudson's early birth. Eric and I's bed remains in the living room as I discussed here. Parker and Garrett's bedroom is coming along, though.

We are staying away from characters and such
this time around. Their bedding is stripes in shades of green,
orange, blue, brown, and beige. I am attempting
to incorporate their love of dirt bikes in subtle ways.
I LOVE the vinyl wall decals that are huge right now.
I bought 48 of these little dirt bikes...only need to find homes for 43 more.

New curtains are hung as well...

My favorite photo of our two older boys hangs above
their bookcase. I want to put something above the photo, but I
am not sure what.

I have some various other projects in process for their room. We are using a set of sturdy wooden bunk beds (separated) that Eric and his brothers used as children. They are in need of a little TLC; therefore, we are intending to sand and re-stain them. I am on the hunt for a chair(s) and some shelving as well. I have rallied my dad to build them a low to the ground table for the purpose of Lego building and such. The room is a great space for them and I am having fun making it their own.

Originally, we had planned to paint Ryder and Hudson's room last weekend. However, we all got hit with the flu. HARD. For the record, does anyone else agree we should stop planning? Fingers crossed we get it done this weekend.

New Kicks

If you know me well, you know I do not like shoes. Or socks. My piggies want to be free. Besides, my feet sweat something fierce. The three older boys have inherited my love of foot freedom as well. A sure sign they are comfortable in your home? They promptly strip any and all footwear upon entering.

Check out the new kicks my mom purchased for Hudson...

Cute, huh? Luckily, in a sleep deprived state I will be able to decipher the left shoe from the right shoe as well;) Will they ever make it onto Hudson's feet? Perhaps. Baby feet are just too sweet to cover up!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Layouts to Share

Finally, it is beginning to hit me that we have four kids. Four kiddos to scrap! This mama needs to make an effort to get to her scrap desk (eh, card table) more often. Here are a few of my latest layouts...

I really liked the way this turned out...despite my awful handwriting:/

I placed a photo order over the weekend that included pictures of Hudson. I cannot wait until my order arrives and I can begin working on his layouts as well.

Happy Monday! Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Egg Coloring 2010

A Fart in The Wind

I would love for you to meet my sweet and sassy sister-in-law, Leslie (accompanied by my brother, Craig)...

I do not have a sister of my own; however, at this stage of my life Leslie is the closest lady I have to calling a sister in every way that counts. She is the mother to two of my handsome nephews and endures my brother, Craig. She understands me and I her. We laugh and cry together. She is ''Aunt Wesliee'' to my four boys. Her love for them is true and genuine. In my time of need she offers her help and not because she feels obligated to do so. Indeed, while I was on bed rest she insisted upon hosting Parker's 6th birthday at her home. She cooked, she cleaned, and she decorated. I was humbled by her thoughtfulness.

In the weeks leading up to Hudson's birth and following his birth, Leslie was a constant means of support. Our text messages were plentiful as I laid in the hospital. The day I was discharged following Hudson's birth was difficult. Any mother who has to leave her baby behind will tell you it is hard. That day I sent a message to Leslie stating this stinks. Leslie replied, before you know it this will all be a fart in the wind. Honestly, I laughed at her words as it was that or cry. I knew what she was saying to be true, but in the moment it was hard to find that truth.

The combined 11 days I spent in the hospital on three occasions...two stays prior to Hudson's birth and then for delivery...have passed.

Those 11 days I spent attempting to ''mother'' our three older children from a hospital bed...singing them their bedtime songs, packing Parker's lunch via phone, recalling when Spirit Day was without my calender, making doctor's appointments, and reassuring the boys that indeed Mommy would return home through tears (both theirs and mine) ...are fleeting moments in time.

Hudson's 10 day NICU stay getting poked, prodded, monitored, and primarily being looked after by someone other than his mommy is a memory.

The pink eye, upper respiratory infections, and ear infections that prevented our 3 older sons from meeting their baby brother during those said 10 days in NICU have passed.

The 7 days between my discharge and Hudson's discharge where I attempted to play Supermom...recovering from a c-section while doing laundry, tending to the needs of 3 children at home, making my way each day (sometimes twice) to be with Hudson in the NICU, cooking meals, lining up sitters for the kids, and wishing I could be in two places at once...are a memory.

The days of our children screaming when a grandparent/great-grandparent entered our house as it indicated mommy and/or daddy planned on departing are a thing of the past.

Hudson's two night stay at ST. V's Children's Hospital where he received IVIG treatment for low platelets thanks to his mommy (yes, I feel guilty) is behind us.

The weeks of blurred vision and intense headaches thanks to my over the top blood pressure are over.

Today, Hudson is 6 weeks old. Six weeks old. Really?! Together, with the help of dear family, friends, skilled medical staff, and an overwhelming amount of prayers, we survived.

My sweet sister-in-law was spot on. Those weeks truly have become just a fart in the matter how tacky that sounds!

We love you, Aunt ROCK!

This little guy rocks, too!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I *HEART* Summer

Anyone else ready for summer and what it brings? Gosh, only knows I am. This winter has been long. Dreadfully long, in my world. With the warmer weather and sunshine quickly approaching I am looking forward to...

  • Flip flops...I tend to wear them year round; however, people will no longer look at me oddly for sporting summer feet attire.
  • Taking the boys to Monsoon Lagoon. My mom is gifting the boys passes for Easter. It is about 20 minutes away will be a great place to take our little fish on a regular basis. Thank you, Mammy!
  • Hello, DQ! I am not certain if it is good or bad that the local ice cream establishment is right around the block from our house. A trip for ice cream is all too common following dinner during the summer months.
  • BBQ's and Bonfires
  • Outside play for the boys....backyard fun with the sprinkler and slip-n-slide, walks around town, and endless trips to the local park.
  • T-Ball...Not only is Parker playing again this year, but Garrett is playing as well. This will be entertaining!
  • The coordinating swim trunks all four boys will be sporting.
  • Trips to the Toledo Zoo...We have opted to purchase a family membership this year.
  • Family camping trips locally to East Harbor State Park and an extended trip to Mohican State Park.

What are you looking forward to this summer?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Wait, Who Are You Again?

As I mentioned in Hudson's Birth Story, Eric declared (rather quickly) that he resembled Garrett. Ironically, Parker and Ryder share many of the same features (the obvious exception being their eyes). It's obvious we only create boys; however, apparently we only make two versions as well;)

Below are four photos...two of Garrett and two of Hudson. Can you tell who is who?

Scroll down....




The first and fourth photos are Garrett. Therefore, the second and third photos are Hudson. Crazy, huh?!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Oh, Vera...

Ms. Bradley, I do fear my husband may grow to despise you...

With each new baby I have always purchased a new diaper bag. Personally, I have never been a fan of diaper bags adorned with Winnie the Pooh or various other characters. Simply put, they are not me and there is no way Eric would be caught with such a bag. In the past we have stuck with solid brown or black diaper bags purchased from Target or Wal-Mart. They met our needs okay. A week prior to Hudson's arrival I sent Eric to the store for a new diaper bag (a bag I had chosen, for the record). I am not a fan. With two kids in diapers, one newborn, and four kiddos it is not big enough.

In the past, a few of my online buddies have raved about their Vera Bradley diaper bags. I checked out her site and fell in love. It took me days to choose a fabric. They are all so gorgeous. My final decision...

...Vera's Baby Bag in the Yellow Bird print

Stunning, right? My bag arrived earlier this week and I FELL IN LOVE. The packaging alone made me feel like a child on Christmas morning. There are plenty of pockets and from what I understand it washes well. SCORE!

With some birthday money burning a hole in my pocket, I ventured back to VB's website. These little cuties should be at my front door within the week...

Tote in Cupcakes Pink

Little Betsy in Mediterranean White

All three bags were on sale as they are outgoing prints; therefore, I have justified buying three bags in one week!

Happy Thursday, blog readers! The sun is shining. Eric gets off work at 2pm and then has the next two days off as well. We are planning a trip to the zoo, have a birthday party to attend, and Easter eggs to decorate. Have a fabulous day!!!


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